Fraud Detection Solutions by Ipify

Make your website and customers safe from fraud with IP Geolocation API. Learn more in our product sheet.

Worried About Digital Users with Bad Intent?

There’s no need to worry anymore. Ipify will help you identify the location and network information of the IP addresses visiting your online portals and possibly intending to commit fraud or determine your online setup’s vulnerabilities.

You can rely on this IP-based information to:

  • Identify visitors from locations known as cybercrime hotspots.
  • Implement compliance-driven restrictions based on location.
  • Check the IP structure and infrastructure of your website or app traffic.

Why Use IP Geolocation to Boost Your Fraud Detection Efforts?

Correctly identifying IP addresses related to fraudulent activities may serve as a big step forward in protecting your online business operations from fraud. For example, by comparing IP locations with billing or shipping addresses on record, e-retailers and payment processors can better detect credit card fraud.

IP geolocation API data can also make your SaaS or app more secure and profitable by identifying and preventing fake or recurring signups from the same IP address. What’s more, geolocation information may help ensure compliance with diverse regulations and restrict website traffic from areas known as cybercrime hotspots.

Why Choose Our Geolocation API For Fraud Detection?

You can count on Ipify and its IP Geolocation API because:

  • We provide a user-friendly and highly functional API interface.
  • We have an uptime of 99.99% on all plans.
  • Our API is known for accurate IP location.
  • We update our databases every day.
  • The safety of all data processed by our servers is maintained using 256-bit SSL encryption (HTTPS).

Shield Your Business from Fraud with Ipify

We deliver comprehensive and updated IP data to help you reach your goals:

  • Block Fake and Spam Accounts: Fake or spam accounts are often linked to free trial abuse and may harm your bottom line.
  • Geographic Restrictions to Keep Genuine Traffic Only: Implement country, continent, or geo-compliance restrictions so that visitors not falling within your business’ geographical boundaries are filtered out.
  • Check IPs’ Linked Infrastructure: Find out whether IP addresses belong to an ISP, data center, business, or hosting provider.
Try our IP Geolocation API free of charge
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